Open Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Call Now: 707-408-2495


I truly enjoy the Estate Planning aspect of my practice. My clientele varies from young adults to elderly. I will make a custom estate plan depending on my client’s age, family status, and financial situation.

I offer both will packages and trust packages at reasonable pricing.

Trust Packages

May include all or some of the following documents:

  • Trust:
    • Revocable trust
    • Irrevocable trust
    • A/B trust
    • Special Needs Trust
    • Restatement of your existing trust
    • Amendment of your existing trust
  • Certification of Trust
  • Pour-Over Will
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Management of Property and Personal Affairs
  • Advance Health Care Directive
  • HIPPA Waiver
  • Supplemental Advance Directive for Dementia Care
  • Assignment of Personal Property to Trust
  • Assignment of Sole Proprietorship to Trust
  • Assignment of LLC to Trust
  • Assignment of Copyright to Trust
  • Trust Transfer Deed (along with a Preliminary Change of Ownership Report)
  • Homestead Declaration
  • Any additional documents

Will Packages

May include all or some of the following documents:

  • Last Will
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Management of Property and Personal Affairs
  • Advance Health Care Directive
  • HIPPA Waiver
  • Supplemental Advance Directive for Dementia Care